Sale One bedroom apartment Bratislava

Real estate listings

Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Gunduličova, Bratis Sale 304.327,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Gunduličova, Bratis
One bedroom apartment 63.55 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto / Gunduličova
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Gunduličova, Bratis Sale 304.327,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Gunduličova, Bratis
One bedroom apartment 64 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto / Gunduličova
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Černyševského, Brat Sale 199.000,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Černyševského, Brat
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka / Černyševského
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Fedinova, Bratislav Sale 198.000,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Fedinova, Bratislav
One bedroom apartment 51 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka / Fedinova
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Odborárska, Bratisl Sale 159.000,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Odborárska, Bratisl
One bedroom apartment 61.38 m2 Bratislava - Nové Mesto / Odborárska
IMPREAL »» Old Town » Two and half room apartment Sale 284.900,- €
IMPREAL »» Old Town » Two and half room apartment
One bedroom apartment 66.7 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto / Žilinská
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Karola Adlera, Brat Sale 159.900,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Karola Adlera, Brat
One bedroom apartment 51 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka / Karola Adlera
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Talichova, Bratisla Sale 157.900,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Talichova, Bratisla
One bedroom apartment 39 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka / Talichova
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Strojnícka, Bratisl Sale 152.500,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Strojnícka, Bratisl
One bedroom apartment 37.64 m2 Bratislava - Prievoz / Strojnícka
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Trenčianska, Bratis Sale 190.000,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Trenčianska, Bratis
One bedroom apartment 32.6 m2 Bratislava / Trenčianska
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Toplianska, Bratisl Sale 143.000,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Toplianska, Bratisl
One bedroom apartment 53.5 m2 Bratislava - Vrakuňa / Toplianska
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Žltá, Bratislava - Sale 214.990,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Žltá, Bratislava -
One bedroom apartment 49.5 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka / Žltá
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Súmračná, Bratislav Sale 169.000,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Súmračná, Bratislav
One bedroom apartment 45 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Súmračná
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Agátová, Bratislava Sale 179.000,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Agátová, Bratislava
One bedroom apartment 53.26 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka / Agátová
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Agátová, Bratislava Sale 212.000,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Agátová, Bratislava
One bedroom apartment 56 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka / Agátová
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Agátová, Bratislava Sale 168.600,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Agátová, Bratislava
One bedroom apartment 42 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka / Agátová
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Záhors Sale 219.990,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Záhors
One bedroom apartment 52 m2 Bratislava - Záhorská Bystrica
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Ondavská, Bratislav Sale 209.000,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Ondavská, Bratislav
One bedroom apartment 46.23 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Ondavská
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Majerníkova, Bratis Sale 249.900,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Majerníkova, Bratis
One bedroom apartment 86.06 m2 Bratislava - Karlova Ves / Majerníkova
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Vlčie Hrdlo, Bratis Sale 135.499,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Vlčie Hrdlo, Bratis
One bedroom apartment 45.13 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Vlčie Hrdlo
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Radlinského, Bratis Sale 229.900,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Radlinského, Bratis
One bedroom apartment 53 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto / Radlinského
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Kupeckého, Bratisla Sale 184.900,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Kupeckého, Bratisla
One bedroom apartment 39.57 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Kupeckého
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Stropkovská, Bratis Sale 219.000,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Stropkovská, Bratis
One bedroom apartment 55.9 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Stropkovská
Sale One bedroom apartment, Sklenárova, Bratislava - Ružinov, Slovakia Sale 195.000,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, Sklenárova, Bratislava - Ružinov, Slovakia
One bedroom apartment 58 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Sklenárova
Sale One bedroom apartment, Dopravná, Bratislava - Rača, Slovakia Sale 158.900,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, Dopravná, Bratislava - Rača, Slovakia
One bedroom apartment 74.5 m2 Bratislava - Rača / Dopravná
Sale One bedroom apartment, Hornádska, Bratislava - Podunajské Biskupi Sale 144.900,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, Hornádska, Bratislava - Podunajské Biskupi
One bedroom apartment 53.4 m2 Bratislava - Podunajské Biskupice / Hornádska
Sale One bedroom apartment, Bučinová, Bratislava - Vrakuňa, Slovakia Sale 142.900,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, Bučinová, Bratislava - Vrakuňa, Slovakia
One bedroom apartment 43 m2 Bratislava - Vrakuňa / Bučinová 10
Sale One bedroom apartment, Jesenná, Bratislava - Ružinov, Slovakia Sale 128.600,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, Jesenná, Bratislava - Ružinov, Slovakia
One bedroom apartment 43 m2 Bratislava - Ostredky / Jesenná
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Vlčie Hrdlo, Bratis Sale 125.000,- €
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Vlčie Hrdlo, Bratis
One bedroom apartment 41.83 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Vlčie Hrdlo
Title Price Property type Space Location Type
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Gunduličova, Bratis 304.327,- € One bedroom apartment 63.55 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Gunduličova, Bratis 304.327,- € One bedroom apartment 64 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Černyševského, Brat 199.000,- € One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Fedinova, Bratislav 198.000,- € One bedroom apartment 51 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Odborárska, Bratisl 159.000,- € One bedroom apartment 61.38 m2 Bratislava - Nové Mesto
IMPREAL »» Old Town » Two and half room apartment 284.900,- € One bedroom apartment 66.7 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Karola Adlera, Brat 159.900,- € One bedroom apartment 51 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka
Karola Adlera
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Talichova, Bratisla 157.900,- € One bedroom apartment 39 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Strojnícka, Bratisl 152.500,- € One bedroom apartment 37.64 m2 Bratislava - Prievoz
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Trenčianska, Bratis 190.000,- € One bedroom apartment 32.6 m2 Bratislava
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Toplianska, Bratisl 143.000,- € One bedroom apartment 53.5 m2 Bratislava - Vrakuňa
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Žltá, Bratislava - 214.990,- € One bedroom apartment 49.5 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Súmračná, Bratislav 169.000,- € One bedroom apartment 45 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Agátová, Bratislava 179.000,- € One bedroom apartment 53.26 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Agátová, Bratislava 212.000,- € One bedroom apartment 56 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Agátová, Bratislava 168.600,- € One bedroom apartment 42 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Záhors 219.990,- € One bedroom apartment 52 m2 Bratislava - Záhorská Bystrica Sale
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Ondavská, Bratislav 209.000,- € One bedroom apartment 46.23 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Majerníkova, Bratis 249.900,- € One bedroom apartment 86.06 m2 Bratislava - Karlova Ves
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Vlčie Hrdlo, Bratis 135.499,- € One bedroom apartment 45.13 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Vlčie Hrdlo
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Radlinského, Bratis 229.900,- € One bedroom apartment 53 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Kupeckého, Bratisla 184.900,- € One bedroom apartment 39.57 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Stropkovská, Bratis 219.000,- € One bedroom apartment 55.9 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Sale One bedroom apartment, Sklenárova, Bratislava - Ružinov, Slovakia 195.000,- € One bedroom apartment 58 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Sale One bedroom apartment, Dopravná, Bratislava - Rača, Slovakia 158.900,- € One bedroom apartment 74.5 m2 Bratislava - Rača
Sale One bedroom apartment, Hornádska, Bratislava - Podunajské Biskupi 144.900,- € One bedroom apartment 53.4 m2 Bratislava - Podunajské Biskupice
Sale One bedroom apartment, Bučinová, Bratislava - Vrakuňa, Slovakia 142.900,- € One bedroom apartment 43 m2 Bratislava - Vrakuňa
Bučinová 10
Sale One bedroom apartment, Jesenná, Bratislava - Ružinov, Slovakia 128.600,- € One bedroom apartment 43 m2 Bratislava - Ostredky
Sale One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Vlčie Hrdlo, Bratis 125.000,- € One bedroom apartment 41.83 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Vlčie Hrdlo