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Real estate listings

Rent Offices, Offices, Dunajská, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Slovakia Rent 1.413,- €/Month
Rent Offices, Offices, Dunajská, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Slovakia
Offices 157 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto / Dunajská
Rent Gastro premises, Gastro premises, Račianska, Bratislava - Rača, S Rent 12,- €/m2/Month
Rent Gastro premises, Gastro premises, Račianska, Bratislava - Rača, S
Gastro premises 364 m2 Bratislava - Rača / Račianska
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Na výslní, Bratisla Rent 690,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Na výslní, Bratisla
One bedroom apartment 42 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Na výslní
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Polianky, Bratislav Rent 1.200,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Polianky, Bratislav
One bedroom apartment 51 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka / Polianky
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Klemensova, Bratisl Rent 870,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Klemensova, Bratisl
One bedroom apartment 60 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto / Klemensova
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Galvaniho, Bratisla Rent 770,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Galvaniho, Bratisla
One bedroom apartment 48 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Galvaniho
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Ivanská cesta, Brat Rent 750,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Ivanská cesta, Brat
One bedroom apartment 45 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Ivanská cesta
Rent Two bedroom apartment, Two bedroom apartment, Karvašova, Skalica, Rent 520,- €
Rent Two bedroom apartment, Two bedroom apartment, Karvašova, Skalica,
Two bedroom apartment 63.81 m2 Skalica / Karvašova
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Karvašova, Skalica, Rent 460,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Karvašova, Skalica,
One bedroom apartment 57.3 m2 Skalica / Karvašova
Rent Three bedroom apartment, Three bedroom apartment, Zámocká, Bratis Rent 1.800,- €
Rent Three bedroom apartment, Three bedroom apartment, Zámocká, Bratis
Three bedroom apartment 150 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto / Zámocká
Rent Double-studio, Double-studio, Betliarska, Bratislava - Petržalka, Rent 1.400,- €/Month
Rent Double-studio, Double-studio, Betliarska, Bratislava - Petržalka,
Double-studio 60 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka / Betliarska
Rent Single studio, Single studio, Betliarska, Bratislava - Petržalka, Rent 1.100,- €/Month
Rent Single studio, Single studio, Betliarska, Bratislava - Petržalka,
Single studio 25 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka / Betliarska
Rent Single studio, Single studio, Betliarska, Bratislava - Petržalka, Rent 1.000,- €/Month
Rent Single studio, Single studio, Betliarska, Bratislava - Petržalka,
Single studio 25 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka / Betliarska
Rent Building, Building, Dominikánske námestie, Košice - Staré Mesto, Rent 12,- €/m2
Rent Building, Building, Dominikánske námestie, Košice - Staré Mesto,
Building 2895 m2 Košice - mestská časť Staré Mesto / Dominikánske námestie
Rent Commercial premises, Tvrdošín, Slovakia Rent 437,- €/Month
Rent Commercial premises, Tvrdošín, Slovakia
Commercial premises 3000 m2 Nižná
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, jána langoša, Brati Rent 1.200,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, jána langoša, Brati
One bedroom apartment 40.54 m2 Bratislava - Lamač / jána langoša
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Hlavná, Galanta, Sl Rent 550,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Hlavná, Galanta, Sl
One bedroom apartment 60 m2 Galanta / Hlavná
Rent Garage, Garage, Nitra, Slovakia Rent 140,- €/Month
Rent Garage, Garage, Nitra, Slovakia
Garage 18 m2 Nitra - Chrenová
Rent Offices, Offices, Kutuzovova, Bratislava - Nové Mesto, Slovakia Rent 9,- €
Rent Offices, Offices, Kutuzovova, Bratislava - Nové Mesto, Slovakia
Offices 560 m2 Bratislava - Nové Mesto / Kutuzovova
Rent Storehouses and Workshops, Storehouses and Workshops, Domové role Rent 1.500,- €/Month
Rent Storehouses and Workshops, Storehouses and Workshops, Domové role
Storehouses and Workshops 175 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Domové role
Rent Commercial premises, Commercial premises, Ivanská cesta, Bratisla Rent 750,- €/Month
Rent Commercial premises, Commercial premises, Ivanská cesta, Bratisla
Commercial premises 48.33 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Ivanská cesta
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Žižkova, Bratislava Rent 1.100,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Žižkova, Bratislava
One bedroom apartment 59.21 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto / Žižkova 7
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Alvinczyho, Košice Rent 780,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Alvinczyho, Košice
One bedroom apartment 55 m2 Košice - mestská časť Staré Mesto / Alvinczyho
Rent Commercial premises, Commercial premises, Strážnická, Bratislava Rent 1.760,- €
Rent Commercial premises, Commercial premises, Strážnická, Bratislava
Commercial premises 98 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto / Strážnická
Rent Offices, Offices, Strážnická, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Slovakia Rent 1.220,- €
Rent Offices, Offices, Strážnická, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Slovakia
Offices 102 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto / Strážnická
Rent Two bedroom apartment, Two bedroom apartment, Grösslingova, Brati Rent 1.000,- €
Rent Two bedroom apartment, Two bedroom apartment, Grösslingova, Brati
Two bedroom apartment 85 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto / Grösslingova
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Zochova, Bratislava Rent 900,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Zochova, Bratislava
One bedroom apartment 64 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto / Zochova
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Junácka, Bratislava Rent 950,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Junácka, Bratislava
One bedroom apartment 52 m2 Bratislava - Nové Mesto / Junácka
Title Price Property type Space Location Type
Rent Offices, Offices, Dunajská, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Slovakia 1.413,- €/Month Offices 157 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Rent Gastro premises, Gastro premises, Račianska, Bratislava - Rača, S 12,- €/m2/Month Gastro premises 364 m2 Bratislava - Rača
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Na výslní, Bratisla 690,- € One bedroom apartment 42 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Na výslní
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Polianky, Bratislav 1.200,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 51 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Klemensova, Bratisl 870,- € One bedroom apartment 60 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Galvaniho, Bratisla 770,- € One bedroom apartment 48 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Ivanská cesta, Brat 750,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 45 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Ivanská cesta
Rent Two bedroom apartment, Two bedroom apartment, Karvašova, Skalica, 520,- € Two bedroom apartment 63.81 m2 Skalica
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Karvašova, Skalica, 460,- € One bedroom apartment 57.3 m2 Skalica
Rent Three bedroom apartment, Three bedroom apartment, Zámocká, Bratis 1.800,- € Three bedroom apartment 150 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Rent Double-studio, Double-studio, Betliarska, Bratislava - Petržalka, 1.400,- €/Month Double-studio 60 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka
Rent Single studio, Single studio, Betliarska, Bratislava - Petržalka, 1.100,- €/Month Single studio 25 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka
Rent Single studio, Single studio, Betliarska, Bratislava - Petržalka, 1.000,- €/Month Single studio 25 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka
Rent Building, Building, Dominikánske námestie, Košice - Staré Mesto, 12,- €/m2 Building 2895 m2 Košice - mestská časť Staré Mesto
Dominikánske námestie
Rent Commercial premises, Tvrdošín, Slovakia 437,- €/Month Commercial premises 3000 m2 Nižná Rent
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, jána langoša, Brati 1.200,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 40.54 m2 Bratislava - Lamač
jána langoša
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Hlavná, Galanta, Sl 550,- € One bedroom apartment 60 m2 Galanta
Rent Garage, Garage, Nitra, Slovakia 140,- €/Month Garage 18 m2 Nitra - Chrenová Rent
Rent Offices, Offices, Kutuzovova, Bratislava - Nové Mesto, Slovakia 9,- € Offices 560 m2 Bratislava - Nové Mesto
Rent Storehouses and Workshops, Storehouses and Workshops, Domové role 1.500,- €/Month Storehouses and Workshops 175 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Domové role
Rent Commercial premises, Commercial premises, Ivanská cesta, Bratisla 750,- €/Month Commercial premises 48.33 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Ivanská cesta
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Žižkova, Bratislava 1.100,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 59.21 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Žižkova 7
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Alvinczyho, Košice 780,- € One bedroom apartment 55 m2 Košice - mestská časť Staré Mesto
Rent Commercial premises, Commercial premises, Strážnická, Bratislava 1.760,- € Commercial premises 98 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Rent Offices, Offices, Strážnická, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Slovakia 1.220,- € Offices 102 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Rent Two bedroom apartment, Two bedroom apartment, Grösslingova, Brati 1.000,- € Two bedroom apartment 85 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Zochova, Bratislava 900,- € One bedroom apartment 64 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Junácka, Bratislava 950,- € One bedroom apartment 52 m2 Bratislava - Nové Mesto