Rent One bedroom apartment, S terasou szobas lakas izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove izbove

Real estate listings

Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Štiavnická, Nitra, Rent 480,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Štiavnická, Nitra,
One bedroom apartment 67 m2 Nitra - Chrenová / Štiavnická
Rent One bedroom apartment, Nové Zámky, Slovakia Rent 490,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, Nové Zámky, Slovakia
One bedroom apartment 80 m2 Nové Zámky
Rent One bedroom apartment, Prievidza, Slovakia Rent 490,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, Prievidza, Slovakia
One bedroom apartment 65 m2 Prievidza
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Pekárska, Galanta, Rent 500,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Pekárska, Galanta,
One bedroom apartment 78 m2 Sereď / Pekárska
Rent One bedroom apartment, Partizánske, Slovakia Rent 500,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, Partizánske, Slovakia
One bedroom apartment 62 m2 Partizánske
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Pekárska, Galanta, Rent 500,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Pekárska, Galanta,
One bedroom apartment 78 m2 Sereď / Pekárska
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Mosonmagyaróvár, Hu Rent 500,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Fraňa Kráľa, Brezno Rent 500,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Fraňa Kráľa, Brezno
One bedroom apartment 59 m2 Brezno / Fraňa Kráľa
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Nábrežná, Nové Zámk Rent 500,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Nábrežná, Nové Zámk
One bedroom apartment 67.37 m2 Nové Zámky / Nábrežná
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Štúrovo námestie, M Rent 500,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Štúrovo námestie, M
One bedroom apartment 62 m2 Martin / Štúrovo námestie
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Surany, Nové Zámky, Rent 500,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, Vietnamská, Bratislava - Ružinov, Slovakia Rent 500,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, Vietnamská, Bratislava - Ružinov, Slovakia
One bedroom apartment 40 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Vietnamská
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, M. R. Štefánika, No Rent 500,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, M. R. Štefánika, No
One bedroom apartment 60 m2 Nové Zámky / M. R. Štefánika
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Mieru, Komárno, Slo Rent 500,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Mieru, Komárno, Slo
One bedroom apartment 57.2 m2 Komárno / Mieru
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Pezinok, Slovakia Rent 500,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Piešťany, Slovakia Rent 500,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Piešťany, Slovakia Rent 500,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, P. O. Hviezdoslava, Rent 500,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, P. O. Hviezdoslava,
One bedroom apartment 54 m2 Martin / P. O. Hviezdoslava
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Nové Zámky, Slovaki Rent 510,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Školská, Prievidza, Rent 520,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Školská, Prievidza,
One bedroom apartment 72 m2 Bojnice / Školská
Rent 1-Bedroom apartment with balcony in Bratislava in Slovakia Rent 520,- €/Month
Rent 1-Bedroom apartment with balcony in Bratislava in Slovakia

YOU CAN FIND A 360° VIRTUAL TOUR OF THE PROPERTY AT: OF THE APARTMENT:The real estate agency AXIS REAL offers for rent a fully furnished NICE 1-BEDROOM...

One bedroom apartment 55 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Astrová
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Vimperská, Detva, S Rent 530,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Vimperská, Detva, S
One bedroom apartment 63 m2 Detva / Vimperská
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, J. Marťáka, Martin, Rent 535,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, J. Marťáka, Martin,
One bedroom apartment 62 m2 Martin / J. Marťáka
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Š. Králika, Prievid Rent 540,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Š. Králika, Prievid
One bedroom apartment 54 m2 Prievidza / Š. Králika
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Šustekova, Bratisla Rent 540,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Šustekova, Bratisla
One bedroom apartment 66 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka / Šustekova
Rent One bedroom apartment, Trenčianska, Bratislava - Ružinov, Slovaki Rent 540,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, Trenčianska, Bratislava - Ružinov, Slovaki
One bedroom apartment 40 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov / Trenčianska
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Lužná, Bratislava - Rent 540,- €
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Lužná, Bratislava -
One bedroom apartment 64 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka / Lužná
Rent One bedroom apartment, Komárno, Slovakia Rent 550,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, Komárno, Slovakia
One bedroom apartment 50 m2 Komárno
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, centrum, Vranov nad Rent 550,- €/Month
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, centrum, Vranov nad
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Vranov nad Topľou / centrum
Title Price Property type Space Location Type
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Štiavnická, Nitra, 480,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 67 m2 Nitra - Chrenová
Rent One bedroom apartment, Nové Zámky, Slovakia 490,- € One bedroom apartment 80 m2 Nové Zámky Rent
Rent One bedroom apartment, Prievidza, Slovakia 490,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 65 m2 Prievidza Rent
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Pekárska, Galanta, 500,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 78 m2 Sereď
Rent One bedroom apartment, Partizánske, Slovakia 500,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 62 m2 Partizánske Rent
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Pekárska, Galanta, 500,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 78 m2 Sereď
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Mosonmagyaróvár, Hu 500,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 38 m2 Rajka Rent
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Fraňa Kráľa, Brezno 500,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 59 m2 Brezno
Fraňa Kráľa
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Nábrežná, Nové Zámk 500,- € One bedroom apartment 67.37 m2 Nové Zámky
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Štúrovo námestie, M 500,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 62 m2 Martin
Štúrovo námestie
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Surany, Nové Zámky, 500,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 70 m2 Šurany
Rent One bedroom apartment, Vietnamská, Bratislava - Ružinov, Slovakia 500,- € One bedroom apartment 40 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, M. R. Štefánika, No 500,- € One bedroom apartment 60 m2 Nové Zámky
M. R. Štefánika
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Mieru, Komárno, Slo 500,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 57.2 m2 Komárno
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Pezinok, Slovakia 500,- € One bedroom apartment 40 m2 Pezinok Rent
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Piešťany, Slovakia 500,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 70 m2 Banka Rent
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Piešťany, Slovakia 500,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 70 m2 Banka Rent
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, P. O. Hviezdoslava, 500,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 54 m2 Martin
P. O. Hviezdoslava
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Nové Zámky, Slovaki 510,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 51 m2 Nové Zámky Rent
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Školská, Prievidza, 520,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 72 m2 Bojnice
Rent 1-Bedroom apartment with balcony in Bratislava in Slovakia 520,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 55 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Vimperská, Detva, S 530,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 63 m2 Detva
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, J. Marťáka, Martin, 535,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 62 m2 Martin
J. Marťáka
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Š. Králika, Prievid 540,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 54 m2 Prievidza
Š. Králika
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Šustekova, Bratisla 540,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 66 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka
Rent One bedroom apartment, Trenčianska, Bratislava - Ružinov, Slovaki 540,- € One bedroom apartment 40 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Lužná, Bratislava - 540,- € One bedroom apartment 64 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka
Rent One bedroom apartment, Komárno, Slovakia 550,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 50 m2 Komárno Rent
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, centrum, Vranov nad 550,- €/Month One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Vranov nad Topľou