Real estate listings

Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Armádneho generála Rent Price N/A
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Armádneho generála
One bedroom apartment 57 m2 Prešov / Armádneho generála Svobodu
One bedroom apartment, Rent, Poprad - Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia Rent Price N/A
One bedroom apartment, Rent, Poprad - Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia Rent Price N/A
One bedroom apartment, Rent, Poprad - Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia
One bedroom apartment 64 m2 Vysoké Tatry - Štrbské Pleso
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Čadca, Slovakia Rent Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
One bedroom apartment 45 m2 Banská Bystrica
Searching for One bedroom apartment, Trieda SNP, Banská Bystrica, Slov Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, Trieda SNP, Banská Bystrica, Slov
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Banská Bystrica / Trieda SNP
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Starohorsk Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Starohorsk
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Banská Bystrica / Starohorská
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Centrum, B Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Centrum, B Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Centrum, B
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto / Centrum
Searching for One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Slovaki Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Slovaki
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Nové Mesto
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Centrum, B Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Centrum, B Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Centrum, B
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Ahoj / Centrum
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Karlova Ves
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka
Searching for One bedroom apartment, Prešov, Slovakia Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, Prešov, Slovakia

Do you have a property for sale in Prešov, Košice or the surrounding area? We have a BUYER in our database (also with cash).Contact us and get the most...

One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Prešov
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Poprad, Po Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Vranov nad Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Vranov nad
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Vranov nad Topľou
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Ilava, Slo Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Ilava, Slo Buy Price N/A
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Ilava, Slo
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Dubnica nad Váhom
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Púchov, Sl Buy Price N/A
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - St Sublease Price N/A
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - St
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Sublease Price N/A
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Ru Sublease Price N/A
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Ru
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov
Sublease Price N/A
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - No Sublease Price N/A
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - No
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Nové Mesto
Sublease Price N/A
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Dú Sublease Price N/A
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Dú
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka
Sublease Price N/A
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Ka Sublease Price N/A
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Ka
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Karlova Ves
Sublease Price N/A
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Pe Sublease Price N/A
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Pe
One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka
Sublease Price N/A
Title Price Property type Space Location Type
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Armádneho generála Price N/A One bedroom apartment 57 m2 Prešov
Armádneho generála Svobodu
One bedroom apartment, Rent, Poprad - Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia Price N/A One bedroom apartment 64 m2 Štrba Rent
One bedroom apartment, Rent, Poprad - Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia Price N/A One bedroom apartment 64 m2 Vysoké Tatry - Štrbské Pleso Rent
Rent One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Čadca, Slovakia Price N/A One bedroom apartment 68.7 m2 Čadca Rent
Searching for One bedroom apartment, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia Price N/A One bedroom apartment 45 m2 Banská Bystrica Buy
Searching for One bedroom apartment, Trieda SNP, Banská Bystrica, Slov Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Banská Bystrica
Trieda SNP
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Starohorsk Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Banská Bystrica
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Centrum, B Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Searching for One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Staré Mesto, Slovaki Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto Buy
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto Buy
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov Buy
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Nové Mesto Buy
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Centrum, B Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Ahoj
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka Buy
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Karlova Ves Buy
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka Buy
Searching for One bedroom apartment, Prešov, Slovakia Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Prešov Buy
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Prešov, Sl Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Prešov Buy
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Prešov, Sl Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Prešov Buy
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Poprad, Po Price N/A One bedroom apartment 57 m2 Poprad
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Vranov nad Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Vranov nad Topľou Buy
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Ilava, Slo Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Dubnica nad Váhom Buy
Searching for One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Púchov, Sl Price N/A One bedroom apartment 60 m2 Lednické Rovne Buy
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - St Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Staré Mesto Sublease
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Ru Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Ružinov Sublease
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - No Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Nové Mesto Sublease
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Dú Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka Sublease
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Ka Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Karlova Ves Sublease
Sublease One bedroom apartment, One bedroom apartment, Bratislava - Pe Price N/A One bedroom apartment 0 m2 Bratislava - Petržalka Sublease