Sale Apartments building, Apartments building, Na majeri, Malacky, Slo

Country.: Slovakia
City.: Malacky
Location.: Malacky
Street.: Na majeri
Sale - Apartments building - New building
from 160.500,- €
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2584x Listing appeared in search results / 68x Listing viewed detailed / 68x The offer was shown this month

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List of units

Apartments building

Number Number Of Rooms Floor Space Floor Balcony/Loggia Terrace Total area Price Condition
DB-20 2 76 m² 1 yes no 76 m² 160,500.00 € available
DB-22 5 184.3 m² 3 no yes 184.3 m² 329,900.00 € available

Listing summary

Start date9/2021
Completion date4/2023
Total units3
Area76 - 185 m²
Thermal insulationyes
New buildingyes

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