Sale Agrarian and forest land, Agrarian and forest land, Trnava, Slova

Country.: Slovakia
City.: Trnava
Location.: Trnava
5000 m²
Sale - Agrarian and forest land
15.000,- €
3,- €/m2
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505x Listing appeared in search results / 49x Listing viewed detailed / 49x The offer was shown this month

We offer for sale plots of various sizes, in various locations.
These are mainly arable land and forests, not building plots.

Trnava District: arable land and forest from 2,000 m² to 20,000 m²

Pezinok District:

Budmerice: 10,000 m² - 20,000 m²

Kučišdorfská Valley: 3,000 m² - 20,000 m²

Senec District:

Ivanka pri Bratislave: 2,000 m² - 7,000 m²

Bratislava District:

Trnávka: 5,000 m²

Price: from€2.50/m² to€30/m²

If you are looking for land for cultivation, recreation, or investment, we have offers for you!
For more information, please email us at or respond via the portal to this advertisement.
Take advantage of the services of a reliable real estate agency that has been on the market for more than 22 years! We also offer other services related to real estate: engineering, homestaging, interior consulting, architect services, expert appraisals, mortgage advisory, and legal services.
Take advantage of comprehensive services in the real estate field! More information can also be found on our website

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Listing summary

Lot size5000 m²
Ownershippersonal property

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