Milan Orlinský

Milan Orlinský Real Estate Agent
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Quote: “The Žilina Region has beautiful nature, infrastructure, and high employment. These are all the things that matter.“

Milan Orlinský kickstarted his real estate agent career in 2013, when he would spend hours behind the screen or out in the field to find out what the job entails. Very soon came first successes, and sales started soaring, at which point Milan realized this kind of self-actualization brings him joy and fulfillment.

Just like any other real estate agent, he remembers his first sale fondly. He was able to sell a plot of land to the very second client, who came to the showing. This sale was the push Milan needed to realize that real estate was where he wanted to be. He loves the feeling of mutual agreement between the seller and the buyer, as he always tries to make sure that they both come to a fairly negotiated agreement.

The world of real estate is about getting to know new people, learning about different kinds of apartments and houses, and staying on top of the ever-changing conditions. The market keeps changing, and we all need to adapt. Luckily, Milan operates within the Žilina Region, where employment is up and where there is good infrastructure surrounded by breath-taking nature. What more could you want?

View all listings of this agent Milan Orlinský

Sale Land – for living, Land – for living, Žilina, Slovakia
Sale 63.000,- € 113,72,- €/m2
Land – for living, Sale, Žilina, Slovakia
Sale 82.000,- € 67,32,- €/m2
Land – for living, Sale, Žilina, Slovakia
Land – for living 1218 m2 Lietava
Title Price Property type Space Location Type
Sale Land – for living, Land – for living, Žilina, Slovakia 63.000,- €
113,72,- €/m2
Land – for living 554 m2 Poluvsie Sale
Land – for living, Sale, Žilina, Slovakia 82.000,- €
67,32,- €/m2
Land – for living 1218 m2 Lietava Sale